Gaining self-confidence

Gain self-confidence

How to easily let go of what other people think of you

Do you take everything personally? Are you afraid of other people’s reactions? Are you too concerned with how you come across or what others think of you? Does that make you feel like you always have to adapt? Then read on quickly because in this blog I will tell you how to let that go.

Gain self-confidence now-popular

The 25 best helpful thoughts to stop negative thinking

Do you notice yourself thinking negatively about yourself? Is that actually quite exhausting and holding you back from what you want to achieve? With these 25 helpful thoughts take a first step toward addressing that. So you can be exactly who you are and show what you have to offer.

Gain self-confidence

Help, I’m to much of a perfectionist. How can I let go of that?

Your perfectionism, pffft. Sometimes hell on earth. It can help you do a great job in achieving a top performance and on the other hand, it makes you anxious and restless about whether you are doing it right. How to make your perfectionism more balanced.

Gain self-confidence

The perfect recipe for staying upright in an difficult conversation

Suppose you find yourself in a situation where you get a ‘thunderstorm of words’ thrown at you by a colleague or your supervisor. So how do you respond to such an awkward and difficult conversation? With this recipe you make sure you don’t get blown over.

Gain self-confidence

Want to be less insecure? 10 simple ideas to feel more confident

Perhaps you doubt if you will ever become more confident. Are you tired of looking at yourself the way you do now any longer? 10 ideas you can use today to take a 1st step toward being less insecure.

Gain self-confidence

Want to be more resilient? Become a tower of strength at work

Do you stay afloat in stressful situations? Can people call on you then? Yes. Then you are probably mentally strong and resilient. Check out the checklist of 4 personal ground rules for becoming a tower of strenghth.

Gain self-confidence

II will (n)ever succeed…. Get more confident with these 4 basic rules

There’s that little voice in your head that says “you can’t do it!” What do you do about it? You can become more confident with these 4 ideas.

Gain self-confidence

7 times more confident? Here’s what you can learn from socially savvy people

Being social at work is sometimes hard. Perhaps you didn’t get it naturally. Not to worry because you can just learn it with these 7 hints from socially savvy people.
