You’re about to give a presentation, maybe a very important one, and suddenly you feel nerves strike. In this blog, the best tips that can help you prepare and stay on top of your nerves.
viewsAre you able to hold your own as a manager, in conversations at work, when strong emotions come into play. You may feel uncomfortable because you don’t really know what to say in this kind of situation. So what conversation techniques are useful?
viewsIt can feel a little uncomfortable when someone cries at work. So what is the best thing to do? Telling him/her to stop crying is not the most empathetic response but doing nothing at all may not be helpful either. What is the best way to handle this kind of situation? In this blog, you’ll read about it.
viewsDo you ever have a difficult conversation with your colleague at work? Probably. But how do you tackle a difficult conversation? In this blog, I explain 7 easy techniques to avoid derailing such a conversation. Try them out!
viewsEvery time it happens to you: your colleague or your manager interrupts you, is distracted or just waiting for their chance to bend the conversation to their will. They don’t listen to you. How do you address that?
viewsSuppose you find yourself in a situation where you get a ‘thunderstorm of words’ thrown at you by a colleague or your supervisor. So how do you respond to such an awkward and difficult conversation? With this recipe you make sure you don’t get blown over.
viewsYou may hear something during a meeting that you don’t agree with at all. Do you manage to put your opinion forward? Or do you clam up? Can you do something about that?
viewsHave you ever found that a conversation got heated, even out of control? Or at least didn’t go the way you wanted? And wondered how to do it better? I have 25 nifty tips for you to make that happen.