zenuwachtig presentatie tips
Gain self-confidence

Four ways to control your nerves during a presentation

Henk Veenhuysen
by Henk Veenhuysen

You are about to give a presentation, perhaps a very important one, and suddenly you feel your nerves strike. Your heart rate goes up, your breathing becomes shallow, and you start imagining all kinds of disaster scenarios to yourself. “What if I get stuck? What if I stumble over my words? What if everyone sees how tense I am?”

You’re certainly not the only one who experiences this way. In fact, public speaking is something that makes a lot of people nervous. Even the most experienced speakers sometimes feel that pressure. But not to worry: there are ways to pep yourself up and make sure you give the presentation of your life with confidence 😉

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In this blog, I share my best tips that can help you prepare and stay on top of your nerves.

Why do you feel so nervous before a presentation?

First, a brief explanation of why we feel this way. When you experience stress, for example just before a presentation, it is because your body produces adrenaline and cortisol. These are hormones that allow you to fight or flee.

In the old days, when we had to flee from predators, this was very useful. But nowadays we are rarely physically threatened by a presentation (thank goodness!). Yet our bodies still react as if a bear is about to attack us.

This means your body is preparing for a danger that is not actually there. Your blood pressure rises, your breathing speeds up, and you may feel a little overwhelmed. But fortunately, you can learn to control these reactions and turn them into something positive.

The basics of good preparation

Before we get into the different methods you can use, let’s start with the most important thing of all: preparation. If you are well prepared, you can give your presentation much more relaxed and confidently.

There is little as comforting as knowing you know your material inside out. So make sure you have a complete command of your topic, practice your presentation several times and think about possible questions you may receive.

I myself once spent more than 12 hours rehearsing for an important presentation. That wasn’t because I couldn’t master it, but because I wanted to make sure I mastered everything to perfection.

Try to visualize how the presentation will go. Imagine that you are doing great and that the audience is enthusiastic. This form of mental preparation can help you control nerves and make yourself feel more confident in the moment.

Here’s what you can do to perk yourself up

After you have laid the foundation of preparation, it is important to look at the different ways you can try to get ready for your presentation. Each way helps in a different way, depending on what you need at the time.

1. Connect with your audience

Some people like to bond with their audience right before a presentation. This helps to break the ice and make you feel less nervous. A good way to do this is to talk to some attendees before the presentation.

For example, ask them why they are here and what they are interested in. That way you make personal contact and feel less like an outsider.

Another technique you can try is to look at the stage from the back of the room so you can imagine how the audience will see you later.

It can also help to sit in the audience and focus on your breathing, as a friend of mine always does. These tips will help you feel more connected to your audience and can reduce your anxiety.

When should you try this? If you have difficulty empathizing with your audience, or if you find that you get nervous around an unfamiliar group of people.

2. Bringing out your energy

Do you ever feel like you could use some extra energy before your presentation? Then literally doing something (action) might be for you. It is literally moving your body to get your blood flowing and boost your energy.

For example, you can do a short workout, dance to your favorite music in the room, or just jump up and down a few times vigorously right before you start.

The goal is to get your heart rate going and activate your body and mind. And an added benefit is that it also helps reduce stress, as physical exercise lowers the amount of stress hormones in your body.

When should you try this? If you are giving a presentation at an energetic event, or if you find that you often come across as somewhat flat during your presentations.

3. Finding peace within yourself

On the other hand, there are those who just need to find calm before a presentation. Are you one of those people who get too energetic or nervous easily? Then you may benefit from a more spiritual approach, such as meditation or breathing exercises. This approach will help you focus, calm down and control your nerves.

One of my favorite techniques is breathing in and out quietly. I inhale deeply, hold it for a moment, and then exhale slowly. I repeat this four times, and on the fourth inhalation I try to get a little more air in, then exhale extra slowly. It may sound simple, but it helps me relax tremendously.

When should you try this? If you are naturally very energetic, or if you suffer from severe stage fright.

4. Devise a mantra: self-confidence through repetition

Mantras are powerful words or phrases that you can repeat to yourself over and over again to calm and strengthen yourself. They help you focus your mind and dispel negative thoughts. A simple mantra such as “I am here to give, not receive” or “Stay in the moment and be yourself” can be enough to reassure yourself.

By reminding yourself of what you want to accomplish and why you are there, you can overshadow the negative voices in your head and begin the presentation with a positive mindset.

When should you try this? If you are prone to negative thoughts or if you find that repetition helps you stay calm.

Learn to deal with the unexpected

Even with the best preparation and the most effective rituals, something unexpected can always happen during your presentation. Maybe the technology doesn’t cooperate or you make a blunder….

Whatever you do, the most important thing is to stay calm. Your audience is often more on your side than you think. They probably won’t judge you for small mistakes, but rather for how you handle them.

Also, try to get used to the faces of your audience. People may sometimes look bored or disinterested, but that does not mean they are not paying attention. In fact, they are often extra quiet in order to follow you closely. So don’t let what you see in the audience upset you. Stay focused on your story.

Go in search of what works for you

The most important thing to remember is that there is no “blue-print” for how to prepare yourself for a presentation. What works for one person may be totally ineffective for another. The key is to experiment with different techniques and tips to find out what works best for you.

Perhaps it will help to use a mix of these tips in this blog, depending on the situation. Either way, the most important thing is to give yourself time and space to prepare in your own way. In the end, what matters is that you feel good about giving your presentation and getting your message across the way you want.

Good luck with your presentation!

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