Want to be less insecure? 10 simple ideas to feel more confident
Perhaps you doubt if you will ever become more confident. The big question is: are you yourself ready for more self-confidence? Are you more tired of looking at yourself the way you do now? With statements like ‘can I do it? or ‘am I sure?’. Always that doubt. In this blog, I have listed 10 ideas that you can use today to take a 1st step to turn your insecurity into healthy self-confidence.
Becoming more confident is actually a process. It’s not something you take care of quickly in a short period of time. I myself see it more as a lifestyle change. Just like you do when you want to live a little healthier or more consciously. It’s a matter of giving it to yourself. In any case, you deserve it!
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How do I become less insecure?
In my practice, I speak to many professionals who are working to increase their self-confidence. The common thread of all those conversations? At some point they were ‘all through with it’ to look at themselves that way. Have you? Then take the first step today with the 10 activities I’ve listed for you below that will boost your self-confidence.
Do you want to do all 10? Of course you can, but you can also just choose 1 or 2 that suit you. The important thing is that you do it.
1. You can stop comparing yourself to others
You could stop comparing yourself to others starting today. There are always people who seem to be or have more or less. If you continue with these comparison games you always lose. And with let’s say 7.5 billion people, you also have a lot of opponents on this globe, don’t you think? 😉 So surrender and stop comparing.
2. learn 1 word: thank you
How do you handle compliments? You brush them off by saying, “Oh, it was nothing, you know. When you talk like that you don’t value yourself enough. Basically, you are telling yourself that you are not worthy of praise. (Yeah, yeah, I do know that you don’t mean it that way and that it’s sort of auto pilot of you talking.)
So start today by simply saying “thank you” to the compliments you receive.
3. affirm yourself with something positive
This one may sound a little silly, but telling yourself that you are “really really good” works fine. Do you want to be more confident? Then use these positive phrases (aka: positive affirmations) to boost your self-esteem. Write the 3 most important affirmations on the back of a card or on the mirror and repeat them every morning when you get up.
4. You’ve been in the pit long enough
Do you also have one of those fixed recipes that you talk yourself into? The standard phrases by which you manage to bring yourself down? For fun, write them on a piece of paper and tear up that piece of paper and throw it nicely in the trash.
That’s much better! Appreciation for yourself can only grow if you stop complaining about your appearance, finances or career. Feel free to come out of that well. You’ve been in it long enough.
5. Increase your knowledge & expertise about self-confidence
Read books, follow an individual coaching program or look at topics on the Internet on self-esteem and self-confidence. For example, you can easily improve your body language to boost yourself.
Looking too much at the negative side of life doesn’t really help. Better to do something nice for yourself like read a good book or watch a nice movie.
6. Intensify contact with your personal fans
You could make a choice as of today. It works like this: you consider your circle of friends and family. Next, you make the decision to interact more with people who embrace the positive. People who like you, whom you trust and who are “fans” of you.
Who are your fans?
‘Fan’ in this case means that they accept and encourage you as you are, with all your positives and not so positives. That way you can handle feedback much better. Why this is good for you? Negative people often talk you and your ideas into the pit with phrases like, “Would you do that?” …..’ You’re not really waiting for that, are you?
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7. Make a success list
Make a list of your past successes. These don’t all have to be “grand” accomplishments like climbing a mountain. Noop, it is precisely about your (self) appreciation of the little things.
What did you just do right?
For example, think about that project you did so well or that fun holiday you organized. So the everyday stuff. Crucially, when you write this down, also think right away about the positive feelings you had with these successes. Are you missing some inspiration? Ask your “fans” (see #6).
8. What are your positive attributes?
You may still be tempted now to focus more on the things you can’t do as well. I say, “bid rigorous farewell to that.’ Instead, make a list of positive traits about yourself. (For example, honesty, empathy, humor etc etc etc) Just write down 10 or so.
Learn to be loyal to yourself
If you know what you are good at or value then you can be more loyal to yourself. For example, being loyal to yourself is done by always pushing these qualities forward as your personal abilities to do the job. In doing so, you will give your self-confidence a huge boost.
9. Do something nice for another person
If you do something for another person it is of course collegial, compassionate and perhaps you yourself think it is normal to do so. Have you ever considered that it makes you feel good too. For example, you say, “I like doing that for you. I don’t know if you realize it, but with that good feeling, you boost your self-image and self-esteem in a simple way.
10. Get off that couch
Of course, if you stay on the couch nothing will happen. Making your self-confidence stronger requires action mode. Stop fretting and thinking about what you will do. If you stay on the sidelines you cannot build positive self-esteem. With “doing nothing,” you get a bad feeling at some point.
You probably say to yourself “if only I had ….. then’. So take action and work on increasing your self-confidence today. You deserve it.
Taking another step to boost your self-confidence?
Want to take another step to boost your confidence and be less insecure? With these 8 questions, you will lay a solid foundation and get to know yourself better in a positive way. Don’t exactly know the answers yourself? Then discuss these questions with your best friend / girlfriend. Feel free to have a nice drink with it 🙂
- What are the things I did right?
- What am I very proud of?
- What am I grateful for?
- When do I feel particularly good?
- What do I like to do very much?
- What people think I can do something well?
- What were the difficult situations I got through well?
- What useful phrases give me confidence?
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Lacking assertiveness or selfconfidence?
Does it inhibit you at work and want to get rid of that? That's possible with our 40 days individual coaching program. Lets meet, see if we have a 'click' and if I can help you.