autoriteit en charisma

5 ways to increase your authority and reputation

Henk Veenhuysen
by Henk Veenhuysen

Personal power simply means being able to influence the world around you. This can be through authority, expertise, social status or stupidly a lot of physical strength. And yes, sometimes with a lot of money, but today is not about the money part. (Personal) power can be an important pillar in the development of your charisma, and it can (if used in the right way) contribute well to your reputation.

People with power get things done or at least give that impression. Power has a DNA background. In the days of the caves, very early days that is, we depended on people who could give you food or safety. As a logical consequence, we are still fundamentally sensitive to things related to power.

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About Charisma

Charisma can be divided into three concrete behaviors that can be learned and applied in daily practice (Cabane, 2014). These behaviors are presence, power and cordiality. The trick is to deftly combine the three behaviors to increase your personal appeal in a positive way. In this special on charisma, I discuss the three behaviors and how to shape them in daily practice. This 2nd article is about developing personal power.

With power alone it will never work

Only increasing your power will not save you when it comes to enhancing charisma. Focusing only on power actually comes at the expense of your charisma. Positively enhancing your personal charisma is all about combining the three elements of charisma (attraction, power and cordiality).


Suppose you receive both a compliment from your director and your colleague. Which compliment means more to you? Maybe you indicate that it’s the director’s compliment because this person has more “power”.

Note that if this director is not “present” or lacks cordiality when giving the compliment, this director will be perceived as aloof and arrogant. The compliment will lack impact. The three elements of charisma must be subtly intertwined.

5 ways to increase your authority and reputation

To strengthen your charismatic power in a positive way, you can use the activities below.

1. Increase your self-confidence

Like presence, power begins in your mind. When you are confident in yourself, others feel it too. Your confidence attracts people; they want to get to know you better.

Self-confidence and your expertise

The crux of self-confidence is your expertise. Something you can do exceptionally well. It makes you the expert for those around you to be. Achieving or striving for a high degree of expertise provides a solid foundation under your self-confidence.

2. Show interest. Know a little about a lot

In addition to developing your expertise, you can further increase your power by being interested in other subjects. Of course, you don’t have to know as much as you do about your own field but a little knowledge is helpful.

It allows you to participate in any discussion with some ease. As a result, you are seen as smart and interested. How to do that? Read the newspaper, follow blogs, read books, follow interesting topics on TV or just do something new you haven’t done before.

3. Make sure you’re fit

In new encounters, the first impression strongly determines what people think of you. Sometimes I do wish things were different but they are not. If you are fit you are seen as strong but also disciplined.

4. Clothes make the man/woman

Clothing has a high impact on others when it comes to power. Think of a decorated military man, a police officer or someone with good taste in business attire. Whether you like it or not: it exudes power and we are sensitive to it. Of course, you don’t have to look hugely “business” in a tight suit all the time. You can, however, choose to do so occasionally.

5. Speak a little less

Powerful people, oddly enough, generally speak less than you might think. By not always taking the upper hand, their words (if they say anything) have much more impact. This increases the likelihood that people will listen to you. So you can empower yourself more if you are a little less talkative, perhaps a little introverted, and choose your moments to say something.

Also, pay attention to your pace of speaking. Don’t do it too fast because speaking fast is associated with nervousness and anxiety. Speaking more slowly makes you thoughtful and you are seen as a calm person.

Your power

You can enhance your authority and reputation as you practice the above. What matters is whether you are balanced and show poise to others. For good personal charisma, it is unwise to focus only on increasing your power. That’s not going to work. Charisma is a meticulous balance between presence, power and cordiality.

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