
More assertive now-popular

7 easy conversation techniques to keep a difficult conversation on track

Do you ever have a difficult conversation with your colleague at work? Probably. But how do you tackle a difficult conversation? In this blog, I explain 7 easy techniques to avoid derailing such a conversation. Try them out!

Gain self-confidence now-popular

The 25 best helpful thoughts to stop negative thinking

Do you notice yourself thinking negatively about yourself? Is that actually quite exhausting and holding you back from what you want to achieve? With these 25 helpful thoughts take a first step toward addressing that. So you can be exactly who you are and show what you have to offer.

Communications now-popular

5 smart tactics to boost your 1-on-1 meeting

Every time it happens to you: your colleague or your manager interrupts you, is distracted or just waiting for their chance to bend the conversation to their will. They don’t listen to you. How do you address that?

Collaborate More assertive now-popular

Having colleagues cutting corners? Here’s how to deal with that

I don’t think anyone enjoys picking up the work that your colleague has left for the umpteenth time. You’re dealing with colleagues who are cutting corners. So what is the best way to deal with that?

More assertive now-popular

Help, how do I address my lack of empathy?

Do you often not fully understand how your colleague feels and do you miss the point in your response? Do the other person’s emotions escape you? Good chance you lack some empathy. In this blog, I explain how you can easily increase empathy.

Leadership now-popular

Problems with your boss at work? How do you handle that?

Do you also have a boss who is more on sending mode than receiving mode. Never has time for you except when you have done something wrong in his eyes? Do you get the wind in your face even though it is not your fault and do you never get a compliment when you have done something right?

Gain self-confidence now-popular

The 25 most useful phrases for complimenting someone.

Great idea, of course, to give each other more compliments. It’s the engine under all cooperation between colleagues. With our down-to-earth attitude giving a compliment is not always easy: what do you actually say to your colleague?

Leadership now-popular

Performance review? Use these 25 helpful phrases

Do you also want the quality of your performance review to go up? Not a tickbox exercise but just a good conversation between professional and manager. This is possible by asking each other good questions.

Gain self-confidence now-popular

These 12 traits make introverts excel at worktips for introverts

There are 12 traits that almost all introverts have within them that contribute significantly to the team and the organization. Think of this article as a plea for (the sometimes) invisible talent of the introverted professional.

More assertive now-popular

Four tactics for dealing with a difficult coworker

You encounter difficult people of all shapes and sizes in your work. With these four amazingly simple tactics, those difficult coworkers suddenly aren’t so bad. just try it out.
