Fun blogs with inspiring tips on setting boundaries, learning to say no and standing up for yourself. Being assertive at work thus becomes a lot easier for you.
Saying thank you is super powerful. Research shows it reduces stress, lowers depression risk, and even helps you sleep better. Learn how to do that yourself with these 6 perfect ways
viewsDo you ever have a difficult conversation with your colleague at work? Probably. But how do you tackle a difficult conversation? In this blog, I explain 7 easy techniques to avoid derailing such a conversation. Try them out!
viewsEvery day, you only have 24 hours to divide between work, leisure and sleep. This is sometimes at odds with each other. Ultimately, you want a good work-life balance. How do you do that?
viewsYou may hear something during a meeting that you don’t agree with at all. Do you manage to put your opinion forward? Or do you clam up? Can you do something about that?
viewsI don’t think anyone enjoys picking up the work that your colleague has left for the umpteenth time. You’re dealing with colleagues who are cutting corners. So what is the best way to deal with that?
viewsDo you often not fully understand how your colleague feels and do you miss the point in your response? Do the other person’s emotions escape you? Good chance you lack some empathy. In this blog, I explain how you can easily increase empathy.
viewsHow conversational are you in resolving misunderstandings at work? Sometimes it costs you a lot of energy and annoyance. In this blog, I explain why asking good questions is super helpful to keep the conversation with your colleague/manager constructive.
viewsHave you ever found that a conversation got heated, even out of control? Or at least didn’t go the way you wanted? And wondered how to do it better? I have 25 nifty tips for you to make that happen.
viewsMany professionals wish they could speak up at exactly the right time in tense situations. They want their feedback to come out right with respect for the other person. But how do you do that?
viewsOver time, I have found that there are some universal concepts that just make conversations better. Regardless of whether the topic of conversation is difficult or easy.
viewsOf course, a good discussion is never wasted. However, more than often such a discussion could degenerate in an endless conversation. Or even worse, a banging argument. How do you actually do that? Have a good, assertive discussion?
viewsIn everyday conflicts or arguments at work, we are generally not that aware of our own role if we are not involved in the conflict. Usually you think, “that’s their problem”. You couldn’t be more wrong …