1-on-1 Assertiveness Training
Becoming more assertive in your work in 40 days
Does your lack of assertiveness inhibit you at work and therefore you want to become more assertive? Then our individual approach is for you. Work specifically on your assertiveness, 1-on-1 with your own coach. You can get started right away and you will see quick results in 40 days.
- Op deze pagina: Result Program For whom Location & cost Frequently Asked Questions
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Becoming more assertive in your work in 40 days
Does your lack of assertiveness inhibit you at work and therefore you want to become more assertive? Then our individual approach is for you. Work specifically on your assertiveness, 1-on-1 with your own coach. You can get started right away and you will see quick results in 40 days.
Assertiveness training
€1895 (including taxes).
- 1-on-1 training with your own coach
- Free introductory
- Rating 9.1
Have questions?
Does your lack of assertiveness inhibit you at work?
Do you find it difficult to say no to colleagues? Is it hard for you setting boundaries at and in your work difficult? Do you have trouble standing up for yourself in difficult conversations? This puts a lot of pressure on enjoying your work.
You are therefore considering assertiveness training to solve this problem properly in 1 go. You would really like quick and noticeable improvement.
A classroom course in assertiveness is not ideal. You are looking for a customized approach, tailored to you and preferably with personal guidance. You grow fastest with an undivided focus on your specific questions and challenges.
That is exactly what our individual training course “Become more assertive at work in 40 days” offers you. In this program, you work with your personal coach to improve your assertiveness.
Outcome? Upon completion of this course you:
- Successfully stand up for yourself at work
- You are assertive in a respectful manner
- Have more decisiveness and are more resilient
- Make yourself more easily visible in your organization
- Are you better able to set boundaries and stand up for yourself
And don’t worry, you are still completely yourself.
Being assertive does not make you pushy or rude. But in our individual program you do learn to say the right things at the right times. You say what you stand for and you stand for what you say.
Why 40 days
Did you know that new behaviors are physically and permanently visible after only 40 days in the form of new pathways in your brain? These new pathways (neural networks) emerge when you practice frequently in practice. Exactly what you do in this training!
I did not expect that I could achieve so much in such a short time. I can now see more quickly how I sometimes hinder myself and I am better able to break through that pattern. Especially preparing well for difficult conversations has helped me a lot. The more often you do it, the easier it becomes.
The personalized approach is what makes this assertiveness course so effective
As mentioned, we work 1-on-1. So you are not with a group in a classroom, where the attention is divided among several participants. What you do get are individual sessions with your own personal, NOBCO certified coach.
We tailor the program exactly to what you need:
- Do you want to set clearer boundaries, to yourself and to others?
- Do you want to stand up for yourself better and learn how to do so?
- Do you want to get rid of blockages regarding your assertiveness?
- Would you like to deal more skillfully with questions and requests from colleagues?
- Want to better handle feedback and criticism – both giving and receiving?
- Want to learn to say no better and effectively
- Want to come out better in difficult situations?
Whatever you get stuck on: we will tackle and solve it. Already after the first sessions you notice the difference.
I gain more confidence, dare to express myself more. Despite the fact that I am somewhat introverted. Management notices that too. Someone said to me, “Gee, you’re not that quiet little boy anymore; surprisingly I did not expect that.” Nice!
Have questions?
What does this individual assertiveness course look like?
We tailor the program to your personal goals, your workplace and your professional role. So no psychological talks, role plays or digging into your past. We look at the here and now, and what you need in it.
We work with a mix of personal interviews, assertiveness exercises, practical tools for the workplace, and mail and phone contact as needed.
Specifically, the program is structured as follows:
- A (free and non-binding) intake and introductory meeting
- A personality assessment
- Six 60-minute (online) meetings
- In mutual consultation, we choose the rhythm of the meetings that works best for you
- Preparation and implementation of assertiveness exercises at work
- Practical tools and tips
- Fair use e-mail and telephone contact with your trainer/coach during the program
- Evaluation and certificate
- A follow-up meeting 3 to 4 months after the course
So you get everything you need to make the change you want, based on a careful intake. We’ll work on your skills, remove barriers and provide new behaviors that will make your working life more fun, fulfilling and successful.
It is mainly the practical and concrete, without digging too much into how something comes about, that was an eye-opener for me. You still have to do it yourself, but I gained a tremendous amount of insight into the tools that are out there and the ways I can use them. Thank you so much for that!
For whom
Who is this program suitable for?
The 1-on-1 training course “Becoming more assertive in your work” is for you as a professional with a degree (or level) at a university of applied sciences, academic eduction or secondary vocational education.
Your work environment is dynamic. You have a lot of contact with colleagues and/or customers, and (good) communication is important – for the work, but also for yourself.
You are very aware that improving your assertiveness can make all the difference in your professional functioning, and perhaps in other areas as well.
This awareness does not come out of the blue; you have been walking around with it for some time and you realize that it is not going to resolve itself on its own.
Being assertive at work is important to you, which is why you want to work on it and put your shoulders to the wheel, but with targeted, professional support.
Location & cost
Where does this training take place?
In this 1-on-1 assertiveness training we work online by a platform of your choice (zoom/teams/meet).
Because we work online you will not have any travel time.
Your benefits:
- You can start immediately
- Effective use of your time
- 1-on-1 attention to you
What I liked was that in this process I was able to stay completely with myself. I learned that it is quite possible to be both kind and consistent, even if it feels contradictory at times. This provides a clear line not only for me but also for the team.
What is your investment?
In terms of net time commitment, this track is the most efficient and effective way to improve your assertiveness skills. We don’t believe in fluff – everything in the course is focused on results. That’s why you see that result in such a short time.
The price of this course is €1,895 (including taxes). Whether you pay for it from your training budget, employer’s contribution or out of your own pocket, this investment will continue to give you a return until your retirement.
Because it’s simple: the right level of assertiveness, which you can apply every time the situation calls for it, ensures…
- that you do make yourself visible in the moments that matter
- That you can step over your own shadow
- That you take charge of your workday, your job, your career
- That you empower yourself to reach your full potential
This is the real meaning of standing up for yourself, and it makes a difference of night and day in your (working) life.
I received more and more positive reactions. That I radiate more self-confidence, that I am more relaxed and cheerful. I recently gave a presentation together with a colleague to 40 people. Several managers were also present. And it went really well!
Want to sign up for this 1-on-1 assertiveness training but want to meet first? Or do you have questions and want to consult with me?
Then send me an email for a no-obligation, phone introductory appointment with me.
I promise that won’t be a superficial talk. It is important to me that you – in freedom – make a good choice. That’s why I like to take the time to answer all your questions.
Dit zeggen onze klanten
Deelnemers waarderen dit traject met een 9.1
95% beveelt dit traject aan bij collega of vriend(in)
Nederlandse Orde van Beroepscoaches sinds 2003
Have questions?
Frequently Asked Questions
Zeker! Ik raad je het zelfs aan. Je krijgt dan beter een idee of deze 1-op-1 training goed bij je past, of we een klik hebben en of ik je kan helpen. Als dat niet zo is, dan vertel ik het ook. Je zit dus nergens aan vast. Stuur een email voor een eerste kennismaking.
In deze 1-op-1 training assertiviteit kun je kiezen tussen via zoom/teams/skype of face to face. De meeste deelnemers kiezen voor zoom, teams of skype vanuit praktisch oogpunt. Kies je voor face to face dan bespreek je samen met de coach op welke locatie de coachgesprekken plaatsvinden. In beide gevallen heb je vrijwel geen reistijd. Ik bespreek graag met je welke vorm voor jou het meeste geschikt is
Dit komt vaker voor dan je wellicht denkt. Bijvoorbeeld: je wilt werken aan je assertiviteit en daarnaast wil je ook je zelfvertrouwen een boost geven. Of je wilt bijvoorbeeld als leidinggevende of projectmanager aan je assertiviteit werken en daarnaast aan je leidinggevende skills. Omdat het traject precies op jou is afgestemd is een 2e leerpunt geen enkel probleem.
Dat kan. Je persoonlijk budget kan zonder meer worden ingezet om deze training te betalen. Je regelt dat vaak via je leidinggevende of je HR adviseur. Mocht je persoonlijk budget niet helemaal genoeg zijn dat kun je altijd in overleg met je leidinggevende bespreken of jouw organisatie ook een gedeelte wil betalen.
Soms heb je raakvlakken met meerdere van onze 1-op-1 trainingen. Bijvoorbeeld: je wilt werken aan je assertiviteit en daarnaast wil je ook je zelfvertrouwen een boost geven. Of je wilt bijvoorbeeld als leidinggevende of projectmanager aan je assertiviteit werken en daarnaast aan je leidinggevende skills.
Kies daarom de 1-op-1 training die op het oog het beste past of voelt. Omdat het traject precies op jou is afgestemd doen we precies wat jij nodig hebt. In het vrijblijvende kennismakingsgesprek bespreek ik dit graag met je.
Voordat je beslist kan ik me voorstellen dat je eerst even (telefonisch) kennis wilt maken om te kijken of het klikt en of ik je kan helpen. Als dat niet zo is, dan vertel ik het ook. Je zit dus nergens aan vast. Mocht je verder willen dan maak ik een voorstel. Dit voorstel mail ik naar je. Zodra het voorstel geaccordeerd is kan het traject starten.
De 1-op-1 training “Assertiever worden in je werk” is er voor jou als professional met een mbo+-, hbo- of wo-niveau. Je werkomgeving is dynamisch. Je hebt veel contact met collega’s en/of klanten, en (goede) communicatie is belangrijk – voor het werk, maar ook voor jezelf.
Je bent er je heel erg van bewust dat verbetering van je assertiviteit het verschil kan maken in je professioneel functioneren, en misschien ook op andere gebieden. Dat bewustzijn komt niet uit de lucht vallen, je loopt er al langer mee rond en je beseft dat het zich niet vanzelf gaat oplossen.
Mocht je na de 1e bijeenkomst het idee hebben dat deze 1-op-training niet voor je gaat werken dan kun je de training zonder voorwaarden opzeggen. Jij of je organisatie krijgt dan gewoon het geld terug. Je maakt dit kenbaar aan de coach. Vanzelfsprekend willen we ervan leren dus het is natuurlijk wel fijn als je een toelichting wilt geven. maar dit is niet verplicht.
Geen probleem. Ik ben er voor je om je te helpen. Stuur me een bericht en stel je vraag.
Free introductory
It doesn’t commit you to anything
Good that you are considering this 1-on-1 assertiveness training. First, let’s meet without obligation to see if it clicks and if I can help you. Make an appointment in my calendar below.
After our conversation:
- You know exactly if this training is right for you
- Do you have a good idea how this1-on-1 training works
- You know what you need to get started quickly
By focusing on my talent, I have seen a positive effect on how I experience subjects. As a result, I feel more in place and know that I am valued for my contribution in projects. I can also put unpleasant topics and conversations into perspective and accept them much easier now.